Labels:crt screen | monitor | person | plant | reckoner | road | sidewalk | sky | tree OCR: Aristotle Practice Ulisited Overiew Features Benet hits Aristotle is a software package Centrulived appliction an All ows studerts USing the 1en display designed especially for schools. managerent program Appleshare file : to aCeNs servers. ProDHOS (Software solwire U) Ix It gives students. teachers staff. designed ka use on a file server. and others at individual Apple* -Stuclents fitst slect teacher and class workstations fast pur easy access then chore Jist sl available to ProDO5 applications stored applications on ar AppleShare' file server tors els using leachers the menu pur administra program Aristotle corisists of inter- spexcify which applicutions eat:h shudeni. related programs. menu study group can access. and menu mana igement. The termits indiv ridualization studerts menu cisp ...